Achievement and SIP

Achievement and School Improvement Planning

Measures of Student Achievement and Success

Our school follows the guidelines set out in the OCDSB Policy and Procedures for Student Evaluation, available on the Board’s website2. Growing Success Grades 1-12 is another document used to guide student assessment, evaluation and reporting in our school.

Our students are individually assessed in their reading and understanding using the diagnostic tests PM Benchmarks/GB+ for Primary English and French Grades 1-3, and CASI for Grades 4 – 8. All students are encouraged to maintain a portfolio of their work. The portfolio may be shown to their parents in a student-led conference held in the Spring.

Teachers and students are involved in on-going assessment and evaluation in their daily classes, using such tools as rubrics, self- and peer-evaluation, observation, individual and group projects, oral presentations, and written quizzes and tests. Students are involved in various performances of their learning, including public speaking, and dramatic productions. Students from Grades JK to 8 work and learn together on a variety of topics such as empathy, team spirit and good sportsmanship.

The Principal’s Award for Leadership is presented to students in Grade 8 who have consistently demonstrated strong leadership within our school and/or community. Our students also participate in provincial testing.

School Improvement Plans and Initiatives

Along with the analysis of our EQAO results, we have reviewed daily observations of student performance, report card marks, OCDSB tests, Canadian Cognitive Abilities Tests results (as available), and a variety of demographic factors. Beginning in October 2012 we will be focusing on Numeracy.

• Our Good Character Committee will also continue and provide a solid foundation for academics in our school.

• This year our School Improvement plan will be aligned with the Board’s Strategic Plan.

• Our school will purposely focus on Four Key Priority Areas 1) Well Being 2) Engagement 3) Leadership 4) Learning

• Our staff has made a commitment to focus on purposeful instruction and student achievement.

• We will continue to seek support and resources in the community to aid in the areas of Numeracy, Literacy and Good Character Education.

• We will extend our focus on improving literacy in math through the use of school-wide math challenges, classroom anchor charts and journal writing for problem solving.

• We will extend the use of math manipulatives as effective learning tools at all grade levels.

• We will extend our exploration of the relevance of numeracy in the real world through integrated units of study and by bringing community members in to share how they use numeracy in their daily work.

• We will continue to implement and develop programs geared towards good character building education

• Regular assemblies will continue to celebrate student successes and focus on teaching good character skills.

• We will continue to implement and develop student leadership initiatives.

• We will continue to implement programs and initiatives to encourage positive student behaviour.

• We will continue to maintain consistent rules and provide a safe respectful environment for all.

• All students and classes will have the opportunity to share some work they are proud of with the Principal and/or Vice-Principal over the course of the year.

Other Initiatives:

• Regular newsletter communication

• School-wide arts performances

• Volunteer Appreciation events

• Annual Community Barbecue

• Music program

• Book fairs

• Milk program

• Lunch and Door Monitors

• Amigos Junior Social Skills Club

• Shining Stars Primary Social Skills Club

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