Role of the Classroom Parent Representative

Suggested Sawmill Creek Advisory Council Classroom Representative Functions:

  1.  Classroom representatives are first requested to introduce themselves to their classroom teacher(s) and encouraged to meet regularly with them.
  2.  During these meetings they are encouraged to discuss the needs of the students in that particular classroom and what the School Advisory Council may be able to do to help.  Some examples of needs might be:  a shortage of text books, a need for parent volunteers to read to students at some point during the school day, a need for parent volunteers at an upcoming school trip, or perhaps a need for donations of craft supplies for a special project.  There will likely be common needs and different needs depending on the class.
  3.  Invite parents of the classroom being represented to voluntarily provide contact information (email address and telephone number) to the classroom representative that may be used by the classroom representative solely for the purposes of sending and receiving information regarding School Advisory Council related events, issues and initiatives and will not be used for any other purpose.  Bcc shall be used for all emails for those parents who are notSchool Advisory Council members.
  4.  Act as a messenger or conduit between School Advisory Council and classroom parents.
  5.  Solicit feedback from classroom parents for School Advisory Council related issues/events/initiatives.
  6.  Represent parents who cannot attend School Advisory Council meetings—ask questions on their behalf and take back answers to the questions and additional information.
  7.  Personally invite and encourage parents of students in the classroom to get involved in the school in whatever way they might be able to.
  8.  Solicit additional feedback from classroom teachers regarding School Advisory Council related events or initiatives (example:  literacy workshop)
  9.  Project a positive inclusive image of School Advisory Council to convey the fact that parents are welcome in the school and School Advisory Council will serve to represent parents in advising school staff as to how better to serve the needs of the students and the greater school community.
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